Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 16th

Wanted to do an update on kim,

so you would all know how she is doing.

After her second chemo treatment, on Dec. 4, she did experience some
nausea, but that seems to be under control now.
She will go back to see the Dr. the first week in January, and
will undergo testing to see how effective the treatments have been.
Depending on the results, she will either continue to follow PLAN A of drug treatment, or they will look to PLAN B ( a different chemo regiment)....
she continues to walk, either at the mall, outside, or on her treadmill!

The letters and cards have been coming in, and she is so thankful for
all of them.
with this site, you all will be able to leave a post, and she can go up and read
them as often as she likes.
this will be easier for her, than the emails.
as time goes on, we hope to include pictures...
no doubt, there will be some of Bella, as well!

A big 'thank you' to bill and kim's niece, Stephanie for setting this up...
she found it a great help when she was so ill....
we hope to up-date this often;
hope you all find this useful!


chris_albrecht said...

Hi Aunt Kim! Hope all is good and your feeling better. My mom said it was nice visiting. Hope to see you all soon.


Gene said...

An interesting method to keep everyone current.

You're always in our prayers...


Anonymous said...

I've been playing with this and I hope I have this figured out. I'm not much of a blogger Can we get spell check

Kathann said...

hey Kimmie and Billie,
This is a great idea. Hope you find it useful and movtivational. I'm proud of all the walking you are doing...hang tough. I will forward it to everyone...talk to you soon.


Annie said...

Hi Kim -

Sending 'warm' thoughts and wishes from Texas!


Annie said...

Hi Kim -

Sending 'warm' wishes and thoughts from Texas!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Kim. Can't wait to see you in the NEW year. I'm so glad you and the rest of our class groupies are back in my life:) Those memories last a lifetime and will hopefully bring a smile to your heart when you need it most. Call me when you're ready for "girlfriend time". Hugs to you and Bill. Thanks for the blog. Love & Prayers, Deb

Anonymous said...

Kim and Bill, Thinking about you alot and my prayers are with you. Can't wait to see you again....one of your "forever friends"...Joe

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking of you often and sending you lots of possitive thoughts. I can't wait to keep reading about your wonderful recovery!!
Kristen Kief

Unknown said...

Hi Kim, this is a great idea to keep in touch and updated on you. I think about you often and am so greatful we were all together this summer. I think about the fun we had and the memories we made and realize how lucky we are to have the friends we have after all these years. Enjoy the holidays and I will talk to you soon.

Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

deloKim, great news again!! Way to go!! I will be looking for those pennies thats for sure. Prayer is so powerful so lets all keep it up.

Love, Julie