Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hi to all of my family and friends!

Today, I went in for my chemo, and am feeling good!
The Dr. is so pleased with my blood work and how I am taking
the chemo, and how my body is handling it. I know from experience what the next few weeks will bring; as far as fatigue and nausea. I plan on eating many small meals and lots of naps!!! ....

I go again on March 18th, will have a chest Xray and another
chemo treatment. After the results, I will find out, if I will be taking
a break and letting the body heal from the treatments? Looks promising that will be the case.
After that, as I mentioned before, they will do periodic scans and they will dictate my treatments...
I will know more after the 18th.

Bill surprised me around Valentine's day with news of a get-a-way to San Francisco. We met Mike and Colleen, Bill's sister and brother-law, for a 5 days of sightseeing and went to the wine country..... Had a wonderful, fun time..... was a great break for Bill and me. We just returned yesterday.

again, thank you all so much for your prayers, thoughts, blogs.....
and most of all, for being there.... means so much!


Anonymous said...

Kim, it sounds like you are doing awesome, keep it up! And how fun to get away--I love that SF area. Keep healing and we will keep those prayers going!

Love, Kathy and Dave

Anonymous said...

you are one of the toughest people I know. Your attitude is always so positive,still thinking of others even when you are fighting such a battle. You are really an inspiration to all of us. You are never forgotten in prayers and always in our thoughts. Glad you were able to get away from everything and enjoy some warmer weather. Stay tough,
Love, Keith and Kathann

Anonymous said...

Kim, you are one tough cookie as the Dr. would say. I never thought you would NOT fight this. You are so amazing. I'm so glad you had a great time in San Fran you and Bill needed that for sure. Craig and I love you both very much. Get lots of rest and we will talk later. Love Deb

Anonymous said...

Kim and Bill, I just wanted to let you know that even as we get caught up in our every day lives, you are still very in my heart and mind. Good luck on the 18th. I'll be thinking of you. Love...Joe