Sunday, June 14, 2009

June 11, 2009

Wanted to let you know, today I had chemo and met with the Dr.
what a great day it was........
when you hear the work 'miraculous' in terms of a tumor; i can not express that excitement and satisfaction!
The tumor in my right lung seems to have disappeared! or too small to see at this time....
i have three small ones in the left, that are still there, but they are small....
one seems to be slowly growing, he said he will look at it closer next month
and make some decisions about the chemo, and if we need to target that one in particular.........
he was very happy with everything, including the blood work once again.....
the encouragement and positive words were so good to hear..
he answered a few questions for me, and i feel better for asking them!! :)!
there are times, you really don't want to ask, in fear of the answers....
but................ so re-assuring!

i had written a few days ago, but not sure what happened.......
it is out there in 'cyber-space' confusing those bloggers who have no idea who i am or what i was talking about......
thank you for your prayers, and thoughts!
the word 'miraculous' would not have been 'said' or 'happened', without you!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

kim :)!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hi everyone......
once again, I apologize for not posting more often....
Been keeping busy, and resting, as well.
Still feel very fatigued, but that is expected!
Tomorrow, I go to Mayo, have my blood tested, and
will have my next treatment.

We celebrated Bella's second birthday here last month. She was thrilled
and had a great time.......
also been tending to the pool and yard . (never ending fun!)

Last weekend, Bill and I met Dan and Tracy at
Ed and Arlys' for a weekend of fishing......
the weather was not real cooperative, however, we did have a great time, and came home with fish!
hope this finds you all well, again THANKS for all of your notes, calls,
thoughts and prayers!
will keep you posted!