Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hi everyone......
once again, I apologize for not posting more often....
Been keeping busy, and resting, as well.
Still feel very fatigued, but that is expected!
Tomorrow, I go to Mayo, have my blood tested, and
will have my next treatment.

We celebrated Bella's second birthday here last month. She was thrilled
and had a great time.......
also been tending to the pool and yard . (never ending fun!)

Last weekend, Bill and I met Dan and Tracy at
Ed and Arlys' for a weekend of fishing......
the weather was not real cooperative, however, we did have a great time, and came home with fish!
hope this finds you all well, again THANKS for all of your notes, calls,
thoughts and prayers!
will keep you posted!

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