Sunday, August 30, 2009

Aug 30, 2009

Dear family and friends
I thought would catch you all up on my latest Dr. appointment, which took place
August, 26th.
According to the doctor, my lab work looked very good; seems my body is handling the
new chemo well.
I received the second treatment and will go back, on Sept. 23 for the next one.
At that time, they will also do a chest xray. He adjusted some of my meds, to help with
nausea, and possible leg pain. So far, so good!

Other than fatigue, I feel well.

Again, 'Thank you all' for the cards, thoughts, and prayers.......
The support and strength from all of you mean to Bill and I!
Hope this finds you all well!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13,2009

Hi family and friends:

I wanted to send a quick note, letting you know I have
been doing well after the last chemo treatment....... the first week, was a bit tough, but
I am feeling stronger and better each day.

Today, I feel it is time to 'let my hair go'.......... it has gotten very thin, and
I feel, it is time to 'help' it along, and have my head shaved! A big moment for Bill and I,
but it needs to be done.......
Having Bill by my side will make it easier..........

I am Blessed by all of you and your thoughts and prayers..
Thank you all!