Monday, December 22, 2008

I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes that 2009, brings you much Happiness.
I am doing pretty well. The nausea has subsided, but still get tired
The past few days have found me baking and creating
new 'goodies'!
The sleeping through the night could be bettter, but am 'working
on that'!
Billy, Trina, Bella, Ben and Kim will be here Christmas Eve,
and we will celebrate our Christmas all together. Then Ben and
Kim will join her family on Christmas Day.

"Thank you" for all for the support and prayers.
Means alot!!


Our Journey said...

We love you Kim! Wish that we could be together for Christmas! I am really looking forward to seeing you in January when we make our Mayo trip! It will be so good to just be able to give you a hug! All our love! Mark, Steph, and Caden

Anonymous said...

Heres wishing you the best year ever. Hope that you had a great Christmas with your family. Looking forward to seeing you when your ready to party. Love you both...Joe annd Char..(yes she really does exsist)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim,
Just wanted to wish you the best on Wednesday. Updated the prayer lists with your name and saying lots. I know it will be a long day, but I know you are going to have good news. Stay tough, you can finish this out strong. Love to you and your family,
Kathann and Keith