Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year family and friends!
May 2009 bring you much happiness and 'good health'!

Although 2008 ended with a challenge for me,
I never would have imagined; it has
created a 'fight' deep inside i didn't realize i had.

With all of your prayers, support, cards, and blogs, I continue to
find the strength and confidence to be successful in my challenge.
I can not "THANK YOU" enough!
Wednesday, Jan. 7th, I will be spending the day at Mayo having tests, and my third chemo treatment. Although nervous, I am anxious to move forward. I will update and keep you all posted........ stay tuned!


Annie said...

Bella is beautiful! I know you must enjoy being 'grandma'.

Glad to hear you are staying strong and exercising. I was just in our old stomping grounds the week between Xmas and New Years - Aberdeen. It was very cold - probably much like St. Paul. It is always good to see family. Everyone is doing well. I go back in February to take care of George's girls for 10 days while he and Stacy vacation in Mexico. Getting to take care of them is so great that I don't even mind the cool temperatures.

Be safe on your trip to the Mayo. You are in my thoughts daily.


Annie said...

Bella is beautiful! I know you must enjoy being 'grandma'.

Glad to hear you are staying strong and exercising. I was just in our old stomping grounds the week between Xmas and New Years - Aberdeen. It was very cold - probably much like St. Paul. It is always good to see family. Everyone is doing well. I go back in February to take care of George's girls for 10 days while he and Stacy vacation in Mexico. Getting to take care of them is so great that I don't even mind the cool temperatures.

Be safe on your trip to the Mayo. You are in my thoughts daily.


Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Bella!! What a doll.
My prayers are with you tomorrow as you go back to Mayo.


Our Journey said...

I love you Kim! You are so amazing at how you are fighting this cancer! I know that you can beat it! This is just a "bump" in your road of life. You are in our thoughts and prayers every night! Good luck tomorrow at Mayo! Please know that we are thinking of you all the time! Take care of my momma while she is up there!

All of my love,