Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hi friends and family!

As the doctor told me today,I have "hit a home run"!!!!
news was so good...... the chest xray showed NO tumors!

I had my chemo treatment, and will return in april for
a cat scan and will determine then; what they see, and, if and when
I will take a break to let the body heal before more chemo treatments!
The treatments recently have left me tired most of the time, but
have been able to sleep, and I am sure, helps me in many ways!

I am very Blessed to have all of your thoughts, prayers and words
of encouragement!
Thank you so much.... you can not imagine how it makes me feel!
stay in touch!


Anonymous said...

What great news! I am thrilled to hear this.I hope this news makes your chemo treatment a little more tolerable this time. Keep doing what your doing and we'll keep praying and cheering your victories. I am so happy for you guys today! Hope to see you soon.....Joe

Anonymous said...

Kim and Bill, that is AWESOME news!!! We are so thrilled for you! Keep up the great work, we will keep up the prayers, they are working!

Love, Dave and Kathy

Anonymous said...

You are simply incredible. That is just the most fabulous news you could have ever dreamed of. So proud of you and Bill, what an inspiration you are to everyone. Stay tough and be strong,
thanks for fighting so hard. LOVE YA!

Gerianne said...

Kim: That is amazing news!
So happy for you...thank you so much for the key are always in our prayers. Hello to Bill.

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for this good news! I am so happy for you and the whole family. You're in my prayers. Love, Deb

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for this good news! I'm so proud of you, Kim, and so happy for the whole family. Rest up and hope to see you soon. Love, Deb

Anonymous said...

Kim, way to go!! we all knew you could do it!! Keep up the good work and stay strong.

Bill, you must be so proud!!

Love and prayers, Julie

Anonymous said...

Kim you are one amazing lady! Again, I knew you were going to beat it. Thank you so much for the key chain, you little crafter you. Get lots of rest and keep doing what you've been doing because it sure seems to be working. Call you soon. Love you, Deb