Friday, April 10, 2009



I know it has been too long since I wrote, but don't know where the time goes.

I am doing right now; this last chemo has taken me for a 'loop!'..

I have felt very fatigued, and just worn out. But am doing much better now!

I go back to Mayo next Thursday, the 16th, and will have a variety of tests, including cat scan, blood, xrays, and etc......

from the tests, Dr. Creagan will determine the next course of action, whether I have chemo or take a break.

I will return to Mayo on Friday, the 17th to see what the plan is.

As always, I appreciate all of the cards, thoughts and prayers...

it means so much!

Bill and I hope you have a wonderful Blessed Easter!

Thanks, again!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Bill,

Happy Easter to both of you! Kim that is great you are feeling better. We will pray for a good appointment on Thursday. As always, if we can help in any way, please let us know.

Love, Kathy and Dave

Anonymous said...

Wishing you the very best news on Thurs and Friday. Hoping you get to take a break then, you've been quite the trooper hanging in there, a rest might do you good. Hang tough,
Love ya lots!
Keith and Kathann

Anonymous said...

Kim, good luck Thursday and Friday on all the testing that is going to be done. I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Stay positive okay. Say Hi to Bill from us. We love you both.

Craig and Deb