Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18th

Once again, spent the day at Mayo and saw my doctor.
I am doing so well, my blood work is good, and oxygen is good, as well.
The tumors are still there, but don't seem to be getting bigger, he feels they could be 'dormant' for the time being.
He asked me how I felt my quality of life was???
(wondering if we should take a chemo break)...
I told him, that other than fatigue and sore body, I really thought
I am doing well, and would like to continue the chemo treatments until
my body lets me know it is time for a 'break'.....
so, tomorrow, I will have my 8th treatment.
I am so thankful, for the support I have gotten from all
of my family, friends and doctor...... what a difference it makes in my


Anonymous said...

We are so proud and blessed to have you for our friend. You and Bill continue to be an inspiration to us all. We have never met anyone like the two of you...what a story the two of you are.
Congratulations! Love ya,
Keith and Kathann

Joe said...

When the easiest thing in the world to do would have been to tell the Doctor it's time for a break, you decide to continue chemo and take the fight to the cancer.....amazing! I'm running out of words to describe my respect and admiration for you and Bill. God bless you both. Love, Joe and Char

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Bill,

That is really good news that the tumors have not grown! Good for you for having the strength to have another chemo treatment. You are strong and brave, Kim and you can beat this! We will keep you always in our thoughts and prayers.

Love, Kathy and Dave

Our Journey said...

Kim you are doing so wonderful! Keep up the hard work! I know that times are getting harder, but don't ever forget what the outcome is! I love you so much and want you to know how special you are to me! You are in my thoughts and prayers all the time! All my love-Steph

Anonymous said...

Kim you are amazing! What great
news, I can imagine how it made
you feel. I'm so glad that you
were able to see YOUR Dr., it
seems to make such a difference
don't you think? Well girl,
you take good care of YOU and I
will talk to you soon. Say HI to
Bill, we love you both.
Deb and Craig

Anonymous said...

Kim, you are doing so good and are so brave and have such an awesome attitude. You are an inspiration to us all!

Love, Kathy and Dave