Thursday, February 11, 2010

just a very brief up-date from Tuesday's visit and chemo!
After not being able to take chemo last week, because of my blood
count.... i had it again tested in White Bear Lake on Friday, so Bill and I would not drive
to Rochester, again to find out my blood was too low.
Dr. Creagan left a message wanting to see me before my chemo on Tuesday....
wasn't sure 'why'? until we met......... but he just wanted to know how i felt and was doing.
:) wow, how lucky am i to have him???
anyway, no port yet, but i believe, when i return on the 19th of February for my next x ray and chemo, we will discuss it, with more ' show and tell' of my arms and wrists.... what a mess they are!!!
anyway, am doing fine, bit of nausea and tire easily.... but it is under control! :)
thank you all for your thoughts and prayers..
they mean so much!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Bill,

We are sorry you were unable to have your chemo, Kim, but maybe it gave your body a chance to rest and catch up. We pray you are able were able to have a treatment today. Our prayers and love are always with you and we have shoulders for you to lean on when you feel the need. Hang in there, we know you can do this!

Much love and many hugs,

Kathy and Dave