Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hi family and friends....
Wanted to give you my latest up-date, the results of my latest visit with
Dr. Creagan.
First of all, the news was very good, the tumor appears to be shrinking up to 30%!
so happy about that! :)!
Also, on Monday, March 1, I will finally be getting my port! :)
I will have another chemo treatment on March 3rd, which will give my body a day or so to
recover from the port 'surgery'! All in all, a good visit!!
Although tired, I feel pretty good! Do have some nausea occasionally, but eating more often
Hope this finds you all well!
Again, 'THANK YOU' for all of the prayers, thoughts, cards and all that you do; to help me fight
this battle!



Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,

That is wonderful that the tumor is shrinking! Our prayers and your strength and attitude are working! We will pray the news continues to be good.

Love, Kathy and Dave

Joe and Char said...

Still thinking of and praying for you both.