Friday, May 21, 2010

Hi family and friends......

Hope this finds you all well, and enjoying spring/summer weather and activities!

Wanted to let you know about my Dr.'s appt. on Wednesday.
We saw Dr. Richardson, and he was very kind and answered our questions well.
No chemo for 30days, they are still looking for the right one to fit my needs!
They have given me a patch for my pain, but already, has had to be adjust down....
we will get that worked out soon.
We are both hanging in there, and anxious for the next chemo to begin!
Again, thank you all for your prayers, cards, and calls....... means so much that
you are thinking of us and keeping us in your prayers!
Means so much!
love, Kim and Bill

1 comment:

Joe and Charlotte said...

Bill and Kim, we love, think and pray for you guys everyday. Hope you have a great time with Keith and Kathann and Debbie this weekend and we look forward to seeing you soon.