Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I thought I would give you all an up-date on how things are going....

Been doing pretty well.
The chemo has treated me about the same as the past two treatments.
Still some nausea and fatigue.... maybe a little more fatigued, but I guess that is to be expected.
still doing my walking; and eating as healthy as I can.
My throat has been sore, so I am definetely drinking more, trying to keep it moist.
Some of it is from the chemo, and some probably from the dry air.
My next chemo is on Monday, January 26...... I will also be having a chest xray....
will probably be another long day.
Will continue to up-date you..
My spirits are good! Your support and 'notes, blogs and cards' mean so much!


Annie said...

Hi Kim!

Will this be your last chemo treatment or will you have more? I'll bet the cold weather up there doesn't help your throat either. When you've finished with your treatments, maybe a trip to Dallas will help. How is your appetite? Glad to hear you are keeping up with exercising. It will probably become addicting and you'll want to continue your routine once the cancer is gone. Or not. I'm thinking of you and will be anxious to hear your news after the appointment on Monday. Love, Annie

Anonymous said...

Praying that this chemo works well, and that you recover quickly. You've done so well so far, hang in there tough girl. We are all behind you.
Love, Kath and Keith

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

We will be thinking of you on Monday. Hang in there, you can do it!
Love, Kathy and Dave