Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What great day today has been!!!!!


The tests today, confirmed that my tumors

have gone down 50%!!!!

More will follow, but it appears they will do two more

chemo treatments at this time, and see where that takes us!


WILL KEEP YOU POSTED..............


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the great made my day! If we do 50% more prayers and thoughts maybe you can have this whipped that much sooner. I know I'll do my part. Love you both....Joe

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! Way to kick Cancer butt!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Charrons....we are so proud of the fight you all are enduring. Positive thinking, exercising, good nutrition, prayers and love, they all will win out in the end. It's the best news we've heard in a long time...keep up the good ya, Keith and Kathann

Gerianne said...

We are so HAPPY to hear the good news...we will continue our prayers...stay strong!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Kim! We are so HAPPY for you. Bill you must, must, take the best care of her. Okay! Kim, I knew you could fight this you are a fighter. Keep up the postive attitude and everything else you are doing soooooo right. We love you and miss you both. Talk to you soon. Love ya, Deb and Craig

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Keep up the good work, Kim! We are fighting right along with you!

Kathy and Dave

Anonymous said...

Thoughts from Bill to our FAMILY and FRIENDS.

I am finally leaving a message. Sorry for the delay, I will do better in the future.

Ok, Kim having cancer wasn’t what we had planned for the future....You know what though; we are keeping strong and a very positive attitude and are working with our doctors and FAMILY and FRIENDS(i.e., YOU!) to overcome this challenge.

When we asked our doctor about things that Kim should be doing beyond chemotherapy to fight this disease, he said that the best prescription that he could offer is the love, caring, thoughts and prayers of her FAMILY and FRIENDS.

FAMILY and FRIENDS, believe me, you have been amazing. We are so grateful and thankful for all of your love and support. I would like to list all of the prayers, kind gestures and thoughts that you have so graciously bestowed on Kim and our family, but I just can’t because there is not enough room on this blog.

As you know, we received great news on Kim last week. One tumor the size of an acorn was completely eliminated. The other tumors were all reduced by ~ 50%. We could not have asked for better news and are hoping for further reductions when Kim is scanned again at the end of February.

We are hopeful. Our family, especially Kim, have remained steadfast in our hopefulness and our positive attitudes. This is key to us beating this disease. As FAMILY and FRIENDS, your support, kind words, and PRAYERS, have been instrumental in helping us to remain upbeat and hopeful. Thank you so much.

Love and best wishes to you and your families,

Dennis said...

Great news Kim. Keep fighting. I
hope you all had a great holiday season. I've been too busy working to enjoy it. I shouldn't complain I did have Xmas day off. If there is anything you ever need I'm just a phone call away. As always you are in our prayers. Hope to see you soon.

Annie said...

Kim -

If I could just figure this blog out - I've left double messages a couple of weeks ago and I thought I left one last week that didn't show up. Let me see what I can do this time.

CONGRATS!!! This is such great news. I hope this gives you momentum moving into the next stage of this fight. You can do it! We are all behind you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, Just wanted to let you know that we have'nt forgotten about you and you are still very much in our thoughts and prayers. You are truely an inspiration and I know that the tough times will all seem worth it when you are finally given your clean bill of health. Just remember that all of your "forever friends" from the gathering will want to get together with you to celebrate your efforts and how much you mean to us. Love you...Joe and Char

Anonymous said...

Kim, thinking about you today on your trip back to Mayo. Hope you feel all the prayers coming your way today. Keep up the good work!! You can do this!! We are all behind you.

Much love,