Friday, April 17, 2009


Family and Friends!

Didn't see Dr. Creagen, but one of his associates.

The ct scan did show a few spots where the tumors are,

and seems one may have disappeared.

The decision to go ahead with chemo was made, and

so we will find out next month, if i will continue or

take a break...... and let the body heal.....

I am 'up for the continued' fight, and looking forward to what

next month will bring!

Thank you all for the prayers, cards, calls and healing thoughts...

they sure help me!



Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Bill,

That sounds really good that one of the tumors is gone! Keep up that positive attitude and we will keep up our prayers. We think of you all the time! Keep fighting and let us know how we can help.

Love, Kathy and Dave

Joe said...

Kim, just wanted to let you know that we are still thinking of you and we admire your spirit and determination. It's your attitude and strength that carries you and inspires us. We will all be with you for as long as you need Joe and Char

Julie said...

Hi Kim and Bill, I've been thinking about you guys and hoping with spring coming it will lift your spirits and give you hope. Summer is coming and you know what that means??? Can't wait for our gathering!!It sure is something to look forward to. Hang in there, keep getting stronger and healthier.

As always, love and prayers,

Deb Stevens said...

Kim, you're in my thoughts and prayers daily. I'll try to sneak up to Arrowhead in August to see you. Meanwhile, here's a smile for you:
Ellen Degeneres says, "You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is."