Monday, May 4, 2009


May 4,

Hi family and friends!
I wanted to give you an up-date, and let you know that
I am doing well, and for the most part, feeling good!
Still get very fatigued, but i am getting used to that
aspect of my treatment! I have no problem sitting and falling asleep!
;) !!

Been doing my walking, more and more, outside; as the weather permits!
which is nice!

My next appointment with the Dr. is on May 18th. I then have an
appointment on May 19th for Chemotherapy.
Will give you an update then.
I hope this finds you doing well.
Happy MOTHER'S DAY! TO ALL OF MY c0-moms!
as always, THANK YOU all for the prayers, cards, calls and positive thoughts...
means so much!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,

We think about you all the time. Keep up the great attitude. We will keep you always in our thoughts and prayers. As always, if you need something, please call.

Love, Kathy and Dave

Anonymous said...

Dear Tough Girl,
Happy Mother's Day to you. You are very blessed with a wonderful family that loves you very much, and are doing their best to help you through this. That's part of the reason you are doing so well and are so tough. Hope your day is absolutely PERFECT in every way.
You are almost there,
Love ya,
Kathann and Keith

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim ,

Good Luck today at your appt. I will be praying for you. Just stay strong and things will be better soon. Craig and I can't wait to see you both in August. Say Hi to Billy from us okay.

Love you, Deb