Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hi friends and family!
wanted to give you the up-date on my visit to mayo this past week.
on Thursday, i had a chest scan, not the body scan i thought i was getting.
my right lung continues to look great (miraculous), as the Dr. put it.
on the left lung, i have a tumor that continues to grow, (size of the end of a thumb)..... so we are taking a new path, and changing chemo drugs.

i didn't have chemo this time, as they want to make sure the last chemo
is out of my on July 27th, i return for blood tests, and will talk to the Dr. again about which chemo he wants to use, and how often i will
get it. (he still thinks it could be every three weeks)

he is still very happy with my progression, and is so pleased on
the blood work, and how well i am handling the chemo!
i guess this is a turn in the road to 'fighting my cancer'........
I am feeling good and am anxious to begin the next treatment.
meanwhile, i look forward to having a bit more energy for awhile!

hope this finds you all well, and I can not tell you what your thoughts,
cards, calls, and prayers mean to us!


Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Bill,

Kim, that is just wonderful that the right lung is doing so great! We will keep praying that this new chemo works on the left one. It is great to hear you are feeling so good. Enjoy the break and keep us posted on how you are doing.

Love and prayers,

Kathy and Dave

Joe and Char said...

Kim, thanks for keeping us all updated. We know that you and Bill are going through a long and difficult battle that none of us can truly comprehend. We will always be praying and thinking of you both.

Anonymous said...

Kim, if you told me about this site, I didn't understand what you were talking about. I had to ask what a blog is. Pete sent me the information. This is great! thank your niece.

I saw the picture of Bella. What fun you must be having with her.

Freddie and I will be walking and saying the rosary Monday. Don't forget that I touch the grotto stone at the church for you.

I think of you everyday. Let me help if you need it.

Love, Janet

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Bill, Sorry it took me so long to write a note to you but all my kids have been home and I was able to keep my grandkids alone for an extra week. Boy, have I been busy. Now I know why you have children when you are young. I need a week to rest up after that week. Kim, I hope you are doing well and that everything is going good. I never stop thinking of you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. We can't wait to see the both of you. The gathering will be here soon. Be good till then and see you soon. Miss you so much. Love Deb