Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009
Hi family and friends!
Wanted to up-date you with the latest from Mayo and my
latest treatment. ( i did recieve the first of these treatments on tuesday)!

I met with the Dr. on Monday, and he explained the next 'plan of attack'!
He has recommended a different chemo treatment, with different drugs, and a little more aggresive. My side-effects will be increased, but, hopefully, not too tough! :)
I will continue, if my body responds well, every 21 days.
I can expect to have a scan every other treatment to see how the tumors are responding.
Dr. Creagan is confident and very enthusiastic, which makes me feel
so 'lucky' to have him in charge.
Again, We appreciate all of your prayers, thoughts and all you do..
Will keep you all posted!



Anonymous said...

Dear Kim, What great news. I am so looking forward to seeing you soon. I think about you daily and you are in my prayers everyday. I hope the new chemo is not to hard on your body, but you are such a little fighter I'm not to worried that you will have much trouble. Get lots of rest so you will be ready for alot of fun in about three weeks. I can't wait. Love you and miss you even more. Deb

Anonymous said...

Dear Kim,

Such good news that you are strong enough to try an new Chemo! We will pray that the side effects aren't too tough and that you will get through it easily. Hang in there, we are pulling for you and praying for you.

Love and Hugs,

Kathy and Dave

Anonymous said...

Praying nonstop for your continued, successful response to another tough fight.

You can get through this.

Love, Janet