Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5th, 2009

I had trouble getting on the website, so I apologize for not
writing sooner.

I hope you all had a great july 4th celebration!
Bill and I spent our 4th of July celebration in Kansas with
Colleen, Mike and their family, was nice and relaxing, as always.

I have been feeling well after this past chemo, and will be going
on the 9th for another body scan and chemo treatment if my body is up to it.
As always, I will keep you all posted on my visit.

Once again, I thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and calls. I am truly Blessed!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kim and Bill,

Sounds like a nice 4th! We will be thinking of you and praying for awesome results on the 9th and always.


Kathy and Dave